Arco Marketing Pte Ltd
6, Chin Bee Avenue,
#08-01, Singapore,
+65-6262 2322
+65-6265 1677


Madako / Tako / Frozen Boiled Whole Octopus (South Africa Origin) (Halal Certified)

Octopus Slice / Tako Slice 6g (20pcs/tray) (Halal Certified)

Tako Cut / Boiled Octopus Diced Cut (about 200pcs = 1kg/pkt) (Halal Certified)

Seasoned Baby Octopus / Chuka Idako (2kg/pkt) (Non Halal)

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Boiled Octopus Leg / Ni Tako Leg (Halal Certified)

Takoyaki Ball (Halal Certified) / Filling With Real Octopus Leg Meat

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